Pardres – yet another Hindi movie
Later, we watched another Hindi movie – Pardres – set partly in US, but actually filmed in…
Dark Fish Day
I went nowhere and did nothing today. Remember that dreaded heat rash I’ve mentioned before? It started…
Gecko cupboards and cats
You remember me mentioning that dreaded cupboard? The one under the sink? The one with the gecko…
Cats and Mossie Nets – Good Combination, Or Bad?
Because of the change in climate – the humidity makes everything feel hotter than it otherwise would…
Sri Lanka’s Immigration
Today is the day we apply for my spousal visa. The visitor’s visa expires on the 13th…
Mozzie nets
We sleep under them here. Everyone does. You can get mozzie nets that have been pre-treated with…
Whensdays and Wheredays
Today was a hot day. Yesterday, and for several days before, it rained every day, and that…
There’s a begger at my door
The doorbell rang, and it’s an hour and a half too early for Fahim to be coming…
Sarongs and Saris and Swimsuits, Oh My!
Sarongs. men here wear them – and in public. Fahim has three, and he wears them at…
Water. Boiled? Or not?
I’m starting to get into a dull routine here in Sri Lanka. I did another load of…
The Holiday’s Over
Fahim returns to work today after two weeks and a few days off – basically, the last…
Because our washing machine doesn’t have a pump
But drains by gravity only, we’ve had to completely rethink how we’re going to deal with laundry….
McDonalds and other chains
On the way home from church, I finally took a picture of McDonalds. Yes, it exists here….
Saturday Schmaturday
We’re going to Fahim’s work again today, but this time, we’re going on Fahim’s motorbike. This is…
On the Road to Kurunegala
Today, we are taking a bus to Kurunegala to do some banking at Fahim’s other bank. It’s…
Firecrackers and Geckos and Analness, Oh My!
Today, I woke to the sound of firecrackers. Usually, it’s the sounds of animals – birds, squirrels,…
I’ve mentioned before how we have geckos roaming around?
Here’s more about those pesky critters. They’re small and flat. They can crawl into tight spaces, and…
Have I mentioned that Fahim is anal?
Okay, for the uninitiated amongst us, when I say anal, I mean anal retentive, which could also…
Power Outages and Kitty Puke
Today, we had a power outage from 7 or 8 in the morning until 5pm. No fans,…
Tellulah Goes Over the Wall
Fahim took me to church today on a trishaw. The trishaw driver, as it turns out, knew…
We started watching my first Hindi movie.
Estere told Fahim that I would enjoy Hindi movies, so he decided to indoctrinate me. Okay, he…