Tag: Media
Top 100 Must-Read Fantasy Novels
This list I got from Fantasy Book Review. Since lists are not copyrightable, I’m duplicating it here….
Neil Gaiman, American Gods, and Stardust
Yesterday, Fahim and I watched Stardust, the movie. We loved it. Absolutely completely adored it. It was…
Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson
I’m currently reading Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson. It’s a somewhat interesting, yet disappointing, read. The interesting bit…
Harry Potter’s Books
If you’re a huge Harry Potter geek, you might be interested in this. It’s a list of…
Twilight by Stephenie Meyers
So. I whined about how I figured I’d never be able to read Twilight by Stephenie Meyers…
Twilight by Stephanie Meyers
Last August, some internet friends sent me a package of books. Among those books was one by…
On books in Sri Lanka
We can get books by Orson Scott Card, Terry Pratchett, Anne Perry, Robert Ludlum… Western authors who…
Hal Spacejock: Second Desserts
Simon Haynes, the guy who wrote Hal Spacejock, sent Fahim a copy of his first book a…
Book in a Minute
There’s a lovely website – I’m on a “lovely” kick right now :p – that has some…
“Planet Run” by Gordon R. Dickson and Keith Laumer
Published 1982. “The last virgin planet in this sector of the galaxy is about to bust wide…
“Wolfling” by Gordon R. Dickson
First published 1968. 157 pages, which gives a publisher’s word count of 39,250 words. Considering I read…
“None but Man” by Gordon R. Dickinson
Finished reading it today. Originally published 1969. It’s one of the books Fahim has kicking around. I…