Author: LMAshton

Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at
Posted in Singapore

A Singaporean Wildlife Bridge…

Connecting two forests so the wildlife can move back and forth and see their cousins? Very cool….

Posted in Singapore

A Window in Little India, Singapore.

  Photo taken in Little India, Singapore. This post has been reshared 1 times on Google+ Post…

Posted in Singapore

Doing laundry in Singapore

It's true, we have a clothes dryer in the apartment we're currently living in, but not only…

Posted in My Art

My Other Summer House

Another day, another 3D rendering program. Today, it's Vue11, which can do scenery. It's used by big-name…

Posted in Sri Lanka

Can’t live with ’em, can’t kill ’em all…

Because they run fast and they breed too quickly. From wildlife Geckos are a real nuisance. I…

Posted in Sri Lanka


Yeah. We have a lot of wildlife in Sri Lanka. A lot. Some of it, I love….

Posted in Sri Lanka

Neighborhood Monkeys

One of my favouritest things about Sri Lanka… Having neighborhood monkeys. Purple face langurs, aka purple faced…

Posted in Sri Lanka Weird Stuff

One very weird day…

I went outside to the front yard – probably to hang up laundry or something – and…

Posted in Sri Lanka

Kurunegala Sunday Market, part II

This is a continuation of the last post on the <a href=””>Kurunegala Sunday market</a>. From Sri Lanka…

Posted in My Art

At Eternity’s Gate

Completed using Daz3D in about 12 hours or so. Here's what it looked like at around the…

Posted in Singapore

I still don’t get the Hello Kitty craze

In case you haven&#39;t read about this, please do: (Jezebel) <a class=”ot-anchor” href=”″ rel=”nofollow”></a> There are a…

Posted in Geekery

Copyright: If in doubt about whether or not you have permission to use a photo, you likely don’t….

If in doubt about whether or not you have permission to use a photo, you likely don't….

Posted in My Photography

Dragon fruit for the win!


Posted in My Art

The Scream

Here's another Daz3D piece. The character and the scenery were done in Daz3D, but addition painting (the…

Posted in Singapore

Singapore at night

We live on a high enough floor that we get a decent unobstructed view of our part…

Posted in Life Sri Lanka

Kurunegala Sunday Market

Waaaaaay back in July 2010, Fahim and I along with his sibs and their families and Fahim&#39;s…

Posted in My Art

Girl with a Troll Earring

I started playing around with Daz3D about a week ago. Didn’t like it, couldn’t find anything in…

Posted in Singapore

Singapore Haze

The past few days, Singapore has been under a haze. Take a look… From Singapore This is…

Posted in Singapore

Singapore Sunrise

Posted in Singapore

Singapore 2007

The first time Fahim and I came to Singapore was way back in 2007. We came to…

Posted in Sri Lanka

Chameleon in heat!

I read somewhere, sometime, a very very long time ago, that when a chameleon turns deep red…

Posted in My Photography

Peeling Garlic

Garlic is one of my favorite things to cook with. 🙂 This particular batch of garlic is…

Posted in Life Singapore

Singapore and the Cost of Owning a Car

You've probably heard of the movie franchise The Fast and the Furious by now. They're only on…

Posted in Life

And that would be Fahim

Yeah, this is using a new Google+ photo enhancement. 🙂

Posted in Singapore

Another Singapore Sunrise