Category: My Photography
Peeling Garlic
Garlic is one of my favorite things to cook with. 🙂 This particular batch of garlic is…
Experimenting with Macros without a Macro Lens
I came across this article on Photojojo about using your existing lens and turning it around to…
Project #365 Day 194 – Green and Black
I played with colour and light, and upped the black intensity in combination with getting as close as I could to the palm leaf.
Project #365 Day 193 – Green Blobs, Yellow Speckles, and Splashes of Red
I’ve mentioned before that we have a few croton plants in our garden. I love them – they’re colourful and interesting to look at, methinks, and even lovelier after a good rain. 🙂 I hope you enjoy looking at my crotons as much as I have. 🙂
Project #365 Day 192 – Papaya Leaf
This is a papaya leaf from the volunteer papaya tree growing in our front yard. We still don’t know whether it’s a boy plant, a girl plant, or a bisexual/hermaphrodite plant.
Project #365 Day 191 – Chameleon! Again!
I’ve had a LOT of chameleon visitors lately. … A hint that I need to keep taking photos of them until I get it right? Did they lay eggs somewhere in our garden?
Project #365 Day 190 – Splish Splash Take Two
A few days ago, I wrote about a water drop experiment and showed the resulting images . If you’re interested in playing with water drop photography, read this link – it’ll explain one way it can be done. … Since my images turned out rather more, ah, abstract as opposed to nice and crisp, I redid the experiment.
Project #365 Day 189 – Front Door
Today’s photo is of the front door of our house. I ran across a weekly themed photographic challenge over at Spain Daily through my friend Lynn Rutz’s photoblog , and I’m hoping they’ll let me play. This week’s theme is Front Door .
Project #365 Day 188 – Contortionist Barbie
But every time I try to think “Contortionist Squirrel”, it comes out as “Contortionist Barbie”. Sue me. 🙂 Yup, squirrels hang out a lot around our house. … And since they don’t cause any bad behavior as long as they don’t come inside – which they haven’t with this house *knocks on wood* – I’m pretty much fine with them. 🙂 This one, today, was climbing all over the tree, upside down, sideways, just having a good ol’ time.
Project #365 Day 187 – Small Change
This is some of the loose change that’s been hanging around. We have coins from Canada, the US, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka (of course), and who knows where else. It just… finds its way here…
Project #365 Day 186 – Splish Splash, I Was Takin’ a Bath…
Nikon D90, 105mm focal length, 1/125 sec at f/5.6, ISO 3200, no flash There’s a tutorial over at Digital Photography School, which is, by the way, a cool photographic website, on water droplet photography . … Instead of using a coloured plate below a glass dish for color and a piece of coloured paper for the background, my setup is this: I put my cutting board over the sink, a glass pie plate on the cutting board, and added food colouring to the water in the pie plate so I wouldn’t have to worry about a nonexistent coloured plate. … It was difficult to get the water drops in focus – my kitchen is not very bright, much to my dismay. 🙂 On the other hand, it was enough fun that this is something I’ll definitely do again. 😀 It’ll be interesting to see how future experiments end up.
Project #365 Day 185 – Redo: Doorknob
Redo. 1/10 sec at f/5.6, 85mm focal length, ISO 3200, no flash. … Personally, I’m inclined to agree that the photo needed a redo, and I like the second better. … Unfortunately, I can not compare the originals of both photos since the original .nef file from the original photowas lost in the Great Apple Fiasco of 2010, which is a much longer story.
Project #365 Day 184 – Grass Flowers and Interpretations Thereof
These are pictures of flowering grass, a fairly common plant, yeah? I played around with tints, colours, and so on to see what kind of effects I’d get and what could be created out of a common plant. … What would you do if you were playing with these images?
Project #365 Day 183 – Jagged Teeth
Just for kicks, I photographed the side of the stairs to see if it would make a good photo. I’m thinking it would look better if I had more light coming from the side.
Project #365 Day 182 – Pink Flower
I still have no idea what this flower is called. 🙂 This time, using Lightroom 3 Beta, I reduced the clarity to try to give this flower a bit of a mystical look.
Project #365 Day 181 – Rattan and Carved Wood Revisited
Another view of our carved wood and rattan couch from yesterday. What do you think of the photo(s)? Do you like it, hate it, or are you indifferent to it?
Project #365 Day 180 – Carved Wood and Rattan
What I do know is that it’s a rattan and carved wood seat suitable for seating 3-4 people. What I also know is that, in the original photo, the details of the carved wood were not available like they are after I turned the photo into a sepia image. It’s interesting how the sepia brings out the details so much better. 🙂 What do you think of the photo(s)?
Project #365 Day 179 – Chameleon!
No doubt there are many in the neighborhood, especially with the empty lot next door that seems especially inviting to a lot of the local critters. … Now if only he’d pose a little closer to me and my camera… … Do you like it, hate it, or are you indifferent to it?
Project #365 Day 178 – Yellow Billed Babbler
They’re also called the seven sisters since they tend to travel in packs of 6 or 7 or so, and that’s usually about how many there are when they invade my garden. … I like bird song. 🙂 This yellow-billed babbler is sitting on our wall, watching his/her brothers/sisters further away in my garden, playing in my bushes and trees. … Do you like it, hate it, or are you indifferent to it?
Project #365 Day 177 – Crotons Against A Blue Sky
We have a few different types of crotons in our garden, but this one is my favourite. … What do you think of the photo(s)? Do you like it, hate it, or are you indifferent to it?
Project #365 Day 176 – A Sunbathing Chameleon
While the neighborhood chameleons don’t visit every day, or even every week, they visit often enough that, despite how shy they are about being seen by me, I occasionally manage to photograph them. What do you think of the photo? Do you like it, hate it, or are you indifferent to it?
Project #365 Day 175 – Red Vented Bulbul
These pictures are of red vented bulbuls, a local bird that seems to love our neighborhood. They’re particularly identifiable due to their red underpants. 🙂 They’re on our neighbor’s roof, hanging out. You know how it is. 🙂 There’ve been dozens out there having a regular ol’ party, and coming and going quick as can be.
Project #365 Day 174 – Another viewing of the friendly neighborhood lizard
For a while there, my mother in law wondered if we had rats rooting around in the garden digging holes up against the house. … Finally, I clued in one day when, for the like fifth day in a row I caught the lizard digging around in the garden where the holes at the side of the house are. … And, unfortunately, he runs the second he hears me, which means I’m really good at getting photos of him from behind, but not so good at getting photos from the front.
Project #365 Day 173 – Bird on a Wire
I know, I know, I’m obsessed with birds. … Can’t help it, yanno? 😀 What do you think of the photo? Do you like it, hate it, or are you indifferent to it?