Author: LMAshton

Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at
Posted in Other

What you need to know about DVDs here

While I was in church,Fahim went DVD shopping. He bought some Hindi movies, some North American movies….

Posted in Other

A van goes past our house making loudspeaker announcements.

It’s in Sinhalese, so of course I don’t understand a word of it. A few times, I’ve…

Posted in Other

Power Outage

We had a power outage today for a few hours. Some kid flew a kite into the…

Posted in Sri Lanka

To wait or not to wait, that is the question

In Sri Lanka, many things are promised but not necessarily delivered. When we bought our fridge and…

Posted in Sri Lanka

Arriving in Sri Lanka

Finally, at 12:50am, Friday, 15 August 2003, I landed in Sri Lanka. Yeah, okay, the plane I…

Posted in Life Sri Lanka

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Since this whole I've-moved-to-Sri-Lanka-and-got-married thing came a bit out of the blue for, well, almost everybody, I've…

Posted in Life

How We Met: The Good Parts Version

I was living in British Columbia, Canada, was single, and had stopped dating several years before –…

Posted in Sri Lanka

Hong Kong

Hong Kong. We arrive, pretty much on time. I'm tired, despite the naps. I haven't slept properly…

Posted in Canada Sri Lanka

Flight Day

Image courtesy of the Morgue File. My flight is scheduled to leave at 2:55am. Cathay Pacific from…

Posted in Canada Life Sri Lanka

And It Begins . . .

How to start this blog? It's an odd adventure, in a way, and it isn't a typical…