How many dead lizards have you met?


Me? Just one. And that’s only assuming that geckos aren’t lizards. If they are, then more than that. But I’m not overly familiar with the lizard genetic tree.

So let’s talk about this dead lizard.

Today, when Fahim came back from work in the evening, I saw a dead lizard lying on the ground right where Fahim’s motorcycle wheels would have gone. So he had to move said lizard first, unless he was completely willing to run over it and get dead lizard stuff all over the place. Which would only invite even more of an infestation than there already was.

And there was already a fairly active infestation taking place. All those brown things you see on that there dead lizard? Ants. Hundreds and hundreds of ants.

And when Fahim moved the lizard – to put it on an old flyer that had been lying on the ground so he could throw it out elsewhere – well, he missed. But meanwhile, all the ants that were on the lizard were now all over the ground, panicking because their feast had disappeared.

And how dare we?


Yes, Tony, you can start reading and looking again.

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

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