Shops and Stalls and Open-Air Markets

toys & household linens shop, Sri Lanka

It’s true, I’m easily confused. 🙂 Here’s another confusion for me. Why would soft toys and household linens be sold together? In a department store, which carries everything, it seems, I can understand it. But a shop that specializes in selling only soft toys and household linens? *shakes head* Yeah, I don’t get it. 😛

We have many different types of shops here. Some are large, like Arpico the department store, that sells everything from furniture to dishes and pots & pans to stationary, toys, beddings & linens, to tool and gardening supplies, along with food items.

neighborhood grocery shop in Sri Lanka

Then there are the random shops that sell a variety of foodstuffs that are in pretty much every neighborood. This one is a fairly typical size, although there are many that are much much smaller.

open air markets, Sri Lankaopen-air markets, Sri Lanka open air markets, Sri Lanka

And there are open-air markets all over the place, usually on sidewalks, but also sometimes on train tracks and who knows where else?.

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

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