Project #365 Day 119 The Eye of the Chameleon

chameleon in my garden, Sri Lanka

This chameleon was perched on one of my plants while I did my morning walk. He stayed there for at least three hours, still there when we left for grocery shopping.

And, even better, he very kindly let me get within a foot of him to photograph him. He was nervous, he watched, but my lack of sudden moves must have helped since he was so very agreeable. 🙂

As always, please let me know what you think of the image, like it, hate it, or indifferent to it. 🙂

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

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