Day 34/#365 Help! Let me out!

Geckos are just a part of life here in Sri Lanka. I mostly don’t scream when I see one now – took me a while, but I’ve mostly gotten used to them. I still try to kill them when I can.

I know, I know, some of you will argue that they’re cute. As pets in a confined space, I can agree with you. Roaming in the open and breeding until there are dozens to hundreds just in your house and garden alone, peeing and pooping everywhere and with abandon? Not so much. 😉

It’s a pain in the butt to have to wash dishes both before and after using them.

Today, I found this one in the bottom of my plastic juice jug. It found its way in, but apparently, couldn’t quite find its way out.

One more dead gecko. Buh-bye, little gecko! 😀

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Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

4 thoughts on “Day 34/#365 Help! Let me out!

  1. I understand, but know that I am mourning that little gecko. 🙁

    Wait. Did you type HUNDREDS!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!???!!!


    Not so sure about the mourning of the one now. Will have to contemplate. Gah.
    .-= Virginia Lee´s last blog ..365 Photo Project: Day 33 =-.

  2. Yep, hundreds.

    The first house we lived in, we had so many geckos that when we first moved in, we had to scrub down the entire kitchen of gecko poop. One cupboard was so over-the-top-gross with gecko crap that we didn’t use it, never opened it. The geckos had entire condo developments…

    This house is much better – newer, in better shape – but yep, we’ve still got at least a couple of dozen geckos inside the house, but they also come and go as they please.

  3. I have other gecko pictures. That’s not a great one for knowing what a gecko looks like since it’s really nothing more than paw prints. 😀

    Hang on…

    That’s a dead gecko, but still, a gecko. I have more gecko pictures, but I’m not finding them. Tell you what, I’ll do an actual gecko photo post for you so you can see some. 🙂 And at least some of the geckos will be alive, I promise. 😀

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