Fahim was about to fill up our water dispenser with the water from our water pot when he looked in, saw all the gunk, and said, "Uh, dearest," at which point I said, "Yes, dear, I know. I’ve already got plans to clean that thing out. It has me scared." He then tells me that it’s just dirt from the day or so after the water outage – the water ran brown for quite a while. Ew.
At that point, Fahim starts telling me a story. "At least you’re not drinking water that a dead guy was in." What? This guy was on maintenance and may have been drinking – I think that’s what Fahim said – and he fell in and drowned. And people still drank that water anyway. And then he tells me another story, this one involving a dead squirrel falling into his parent’s water tank, and as it rotted, of course there were maggots and such, and they drank that until someone cleaned out the tank. Not sure how they knew the tank needed cleaning.
We are so never going to stop boiling our water.