Makes for a better Google-search than 2 needle. Ah well.
At least I finally found some info on what using a twin needle means. 😀
Which then led to information on French seams. Turns out I knew exactly what French seams were, I just didn’t know what they were called. Cool. Now I’m edumacated. 😀
So*. Because I wanted to know about the zipper foot – does it come with that middle sewing machine, I had Fahim call the shop. No one ever understands my accent, so it’s just easier.
So I tell him I want to know if it has a zipper foot, and he asks me what it does. So I explain it to him, including the fact that it’s not a full foot, but it’s open to maneuver around the zipper, and he interrupts and tells me that all I had to tell him was that it was for sewing zippers. Roll Eyes That’s why it’s called a zipper foot, honey.