Okay, so not exactly Spamalot. More like Alotofspam. But the first one is catchier. 😀
—–Begin Quote
Around 20% of the world’s hijacked computers sending out spam, attacking websites and hosting unsavoury material are in China, says a report.
The figures, from security firm Ciphertrust, come amid spiralling rates of internet use in China.
China already has the second biggest net-using population in the world, even though only 8% of its people go online.
Now spam and viruses are becoming big problems, since the government relaxed controls on the net, an expert says.
Net use is growing fast and by 2007 the number of people using broadband in China should surpass those in the US.
But China is not just keeping up on ordinary net use and users, it is also setting the pace on computer crime too.
Typically the hijacked PCs fall under the remote control by malicious hackers when the machines fell victim to a virus such as a worm or Trojan.
Often the controllers of these so-called zombies do not live in the same nation as the machines under their sway.
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I find it ironic. Considering that the Chinese government was so bent on having that durned firewall in place so the evil west would not infiltrate the east. Now that the internet in China is more accessible, it’s actually the evil east infiltrating the west.
I wonder if the Chinese government saw that coming?