Sometimes I Wonder

Today was church day, of course.

Although why I say of course, I don’t know. If I was living in Jerusalem, or even anywhere else in Israel, for that matter, church day would be on Saturday. And in the middle east, in predominantly Muslim countries, church is on Friday.

Eh. But here, church is on Sunday. Same as it is in North America and Europe, and probably other parts of the world as well. But I digress.

No, wait. I didn’t. I was talking about church, and I kept talking about church. It’s all valid. So there!

Two new people came to church today – Libby and Arush – and hopefully, I’m not spelling Arush’s name incorrectly, but if I am, I apologize profusely in his general direction.

See, the basic idea behind this is that Marlene met Libby and Arush awhile ago – I don’t remember where – but she came accross them again at the American Thanksgiving dinner at the American Ambassador’s residence – or something sort of close to that. I don’t know, I wasn’t invited. Apparently, they don’t recognize Canada as the 51st state yet.

Anyway. Apparently, Arush went to church in Korea, which is where he and Libby met, and he wanted to come to church here, as well. So in walks Libby into Relief Society. Later, when she and I started chatting, I realized how much we had in common. Like she married a local as well. And not that long ago, either. Oh. And she’s also a stay at home person. Oh. But she’s an American. Oh well. Can’t have everything. 🙂

So what’s the point? Nothing much. Just more people, more foreigners. And another interesting person to talk to.

After church, they drove us, as in Marlene and girls and myself, home as they were going to Marlene’s for dinner. Cool. I hope she comes back to church. I think she plays well with others. 🙂

But before I left church, something sort of interesting and amusing happened. We have a branch Christmas party coming up, and I was assigned to work on a sub-committee – music, to be specific. That was like a month or more ago. And I wasn’t asked, I was told, but that’s a whole other subject. So today, I finally, for the first time, met with the person in charge of the sub-committee and found out what she had in mind.

She wanted me to sing with the other sub-committee members some of these Christmas carols and hymns. As in, a five or six person choir.

Uh, have you heard me?

No? Don’t ya think ya might want to before asking me to do something like this?

I explained to Shanika how terrible I am at singing and I sound worse than a disemboweled moose in heat.

As in, I am pretty much the worst person for this assignment.

Oh. (She’s obviously and visibly disappointed. If I’d been told that this was what they wanted me to do, I would have protested much sooner, but communication isn’t always effective.) So how about playing the drums or the tambourine?

Yeah, that’s another pass. I’d feel stupid, I’d feel self-conscious, and I’d feel stupid. No, that’s not what I said. I just don’t think that I was a good match for that particular assignment.


Well, I said I’d volunteer to help out with decorations or something.

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

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