More on last night.
There was a discussion along the lines of saris vs. shalwar kameez at the wedding.
The original comment Fahim brought back home after visiting his parents without me over a month ago consisted of a request for me to wear a shalwaar to the wedding. I gulped, said I’d give it a try, but make no commitments. It was a comment from his mother, I gather, and part of that is that if I wear a dress, I stand out even more. But in a shalwaar, I can at least be reasonably camoflauged. Well, you get my drift.
And it came up several times since then when both Fahim and I were at his parents, and it migrated to a question of whether I’d be willing to wear a sari, and me exclaiming "but it’ll fall off!"
I know, I know, local women wear them all the time. And theirs don’t fall off. Yeah, I know, I get it.
But there’s a reason I wear mostly pants in Canada (I wear skirts here because it’s cooler). It’s because I’m getting into this or that, fixing that or this, reaching here, lifting this, et cetera ad nauseum.
Like at work, when I worked. Fixing printer jams. Putting the 18.9 L water bottles on the cooler. Fixing the loose wires on my car batter or giving someone else’s car a jump start. You know, that sort of thing. Not typical feminine behavior sort of thing.
So*, me in a sari. It’ll fall off. I know it. It’s just the way I am.
I’ve broken watches because I wasn’t paying attention while I fixed this or that. I’ve caught rings on things and nearly dislocated my fingers to the point of dangling by almost nothing.
That’s the person I am, and I accept it. I’m comfortable with it.
But in a sari? *winces* Yeah, not such a good idea.
BUT. I said I’d give it a try and see what I think, and I will. Even though I’m already biased towards wearing a shalwaar. Well, that I have already tried out, and I was comfortable, so I’m willing to concede that.
So* anyway.
The conversation evolved again into saris because, of course, Fahim’s mom brought the finished sari blouse. And Malli made a comment something along the lines of "But you have to wear a sari."
Conversation ensued, and it reached the point where I wondered about something that was said along the lines of married women wear saris and unmarried women wear shalwaars.
I asked Malli if it was that clear cut between the two groups, and he insists it is.
At that point, I threatened to wear pants. :p I was tempted to threaten to wear a bikini, but I didn’t want to scar anyone, either. 😀
Later, I asked Fahim, and he disagreed. While most women will be wearing saris and most girls will be wearing shalwaars, there will also likely be other women wearing shalwaars. It’s not as cut and dried as Malli would have me believe. Possibly Malli just thinks I would look better in a sari.
Of course, I’ll still give the sari a try, but I’m willing to bet on me wearing a shalwaar. They’re far more practical for my non-feminine personality.