Robbery, Rape, and Kidnap

Robbery, rape, and kidnap (excerpts):


SICKENED police last night blasted merciless scumbags who stole cash collected for tsunami disaster victims.

One senior cop said:  These people really are plumbing new depths.

 Stealing from charity is bad enough at the best of times but when millions are in need it is beneath contempt. 

Thefts of collection boxes and buckets were revealed in Salisbury, Brighton, South Wales and Bedfordshire.

The robbery spree came amid chilling reports of RAPE, KIDNAP and LOOTING in the disaster zone and at homes of lost European tourists.

Female survivors sheltering at refugee camps in Sri Lanka are said to have been attacked by sexual predators.

And 12-year-old Swedish lad Kristian Walker is thought to have been SNATCHED from a Thai hospital by a paedophile.

Reports of rape and sex assault in Sri Lanka came from a women s group.

It said it had been told of  incidents of rape, gang rape, molestation and physical abuse of women and girls in the course of unsupervised rescue operations .

In Thailand thieves disguised as police and rescuers looted suitcases and hotel safes around the resort of Khao Lak, where up to 3,000 died.

Sweden sent seven cops to the area to probe the mystery disappearance of Kristian Walker.

The boy, injured in the disaster, vanished from his hospital bed. A doctor quoted by a Swedish paper said:  He was taken away by a man. 

In Sweden itself, the government kept the names of the nation s 2,500 missing tourists secret after thieves broke into victims  homes.

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

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