We’re not scheduled to have much rain here until May when Monsoon Season hits. March and April, though, are supposed to be the hottest months of the year. My response? You’ve got to be kidding me! Then what the >bleep<!
But when monsoon starts, it’s supposed to cool off quite a bit. I am SO looking forward to it.
As a side note, when the guy (I dunno who he is) comes and weeds our little yard (our downstairs neighbor hires him to do it – it’s supposed to keep the mosquito population down or something like that), and we have just a patch of nothing but dirt left, the sun shines and shines and shines for weeks on end with no rain. Finally one day it rains, and about 12 hours later, we have this emerald green carpet in our little yard. Trees – the young ones sprouting from the bottom up – grow about a foot or two a month. No kidding. No idea what kind either. It’s incredible. Not what I’m used to from living in the frozen tundra we affectionately call “Canada”.
As another side note, I’m curious to experience my first big monsoon season. We had the little monsoon season last November-December, which mostly affects only the other part of the country. The big one hits our side of the island. Could be interesting.