Every single time Fahim sees this picture, he breaks out into chants of "Pooping cat! Pooping cat!" 😀 (Ah, yes, he just did it again. Fahim’s so reliable. 😀 And insane. 😀 And reliably insane. :D)
In reality, this is a neighborhood cat on the overhang for the lower floor of our house. He was chasing a squirrel that got away from him, and here he’s trying to figure out how to get at the squirrel.
He failed, by the way. Squirrel got away. 🙂
Go, squirrel!
Yeah, that’s def not a pooping stance.
And yeah, Fahim is totally in the Goobdom. 😀
.-= Virginia Lee´s last blog ..goobqueen: RT @LMAshton: New: Mutant Escaping Super Bread http://tinyurl.com/ygtujsh =-.
Canadian geese are bigger than a lot of cats. And meaner, too. O_o
Fahim has no comment to that, surprisingly. But he’s so busy chasing flies and trying to kill them that he’s oblivious to me laughing at him, too. 🙂
I miss my kitty. He tried to catch a Canadian goose once. Instead it almost caught him.
.-= Lyra Torres´s last blog ..Abraham: Florida Maroon of the Second Seminole War =-.
Nice gray tabby – even if we only get to see his behind 😉 I guess there isn’t much you can do about his hunting? it’s probably not healthy for him (thinking parasites and all that).
.-= Anne @ CatsGoShopping.com´s last blog ..Heated Cat Bed – the Therapeutic Infrared Version =-.