Today, I did my usual couple of loads of laundry. When I lived by myself, I did laundry whenever I either ran out of something or too much was piled up, or something along those lines. With an extra person, I can’t do that – I don’t monitor his clothing usage. I can’t be bothered. There’s enough laundry that it just makes sense to do it twice a week – Mondays and Fridays.
Fahim, with his clothing rotation system, which I still laugh at, puts the majority of his clothes into the laundry over the weekend. So Mondays, there’s a goodly pile. Mondays is basically a clothing only laundry day. Friday is sheets & towels and anything else that makes a load. Yeah, it works. I’d rather have a system in place – increased efficiency. I always know what I’m doing and how much time I have and that sort of thing.
Mondays and Fridays are also bathroom cleaning day. I think. I haven’t actually put this one into action, but I’m seriously contemplating it. The bathroom needs cleaning every 4 or 5 days, no more, so it’s probably easier to just do it twice a week.
Again, this is due to an extra person in the house. Everything gets used a lot more than it did when I lived by myself, and cleaning the bathroom once a week worked without a hitch. Here? No way.
Do you even care how often I clean my bathroom? Probably not. But again, this is my blog, and I’ll write what I want to, write what I want to, write what I want to. You would write to if it happened to you. It’s crazy the tunes I have going through my head.
The wind just picked up. This morning, as I hang my laundry out, the sun was so bright – so incredibly bright – and hot – it hurt. If you’re reading this in the middle of a snowstorm in oh, say northern Alberta, you’re likely cursing me. Ha!!!!!
For the record – I love Sri Lanka. More than that, I love living in Sri Lanka. This is the best place on earth. Hands down.