I think I’m going to write a book sometime called Insomnia. And yes, it’ll be fiction, and more specifically, it’ll be science fiction. I have some ideas wandering around in my brain already for that – there’s a lot I can do with insomnia, sleep deprivation, and a whole host of other sleep disorders.
It oughta be fun.
And at the very least, I can use it to take out my frustrations.
Last night I had insomnia. I think it was something like an hour and a half or two hours after going to bed that I finally gave up and took a half a sleeping pill. I don’t take them very often. In fact, since I was adjusting to a new time zone, I haven’t taken any at all.
But when I’m so tired that I’m rubbing my eyes and they feel heavy and sandpapery, and I can’t stay up to watch a show with Fahim cuz I’m nodding off, it’s pretty evident that I’m beyond tired. I couldn’t afford to not sleep.
So now I’m a pill popper.
And I slept fairly well after that.
I’m still a little tired this morning, and I may take a nap this morning. Oh Woe Is Me! Woe Is Me!