I’m using my cheaper chinese cotton at $1.35 a meter/45 inches wide for practice. Broadcloth is the cheapest at $0.45 a meter/36 inches wide. The chinese cotton is cheap enough that it really doesn’t matter if I screw it up.
I’m told that 1 1/2 to 2 inches per side is about as much allowance as you want to add for comfort. But because I don’t have a pattern, but rather am experimenting with the block I made according to the instructions in that block book, I’m going to add much larger seam allowance for cheating purposes. And general screwing up purposes. And yes, I will baste before making final seams.
I’m thinking about the shalwaar that I’ll have to wear for the wedding, and it’ll be silk – cotton just would not do! – and I’m willing to bet that pretty much every single other women will have very ornate trimmings and jewellery and such. The really ornate styles are very much over the top as far as my taste is concerned. But. Will they think I’m a total nit if mine is completely unadorned and plain? Do I care? *shrugs* As it gets closer, I’m sure Fahim’s mom would love to get involved and educate me.