Back To Pressing Word, Part Deux

Part One is over on Fahim‘s site. 😀

Fahim announced to me two days ago that he was thinking of switching back to WordPress since WordPress upgraded to version 2.5 and there were all sorts of new features and toys. And he announced when he did since he knew I’ve been meaning to upgrade my MovableType version to 4 and finally, this week, I was going to have the time. All magazine work that I had to do was completed, except for dribs and drabs coming in, so finally, I had breathing room.

We took a look at the features in WordPress 2.5 and I decided to make the switch with him. Hey, it’s really not that difficult a choice, ya know? This way, I still get all the tech support I need for whatever might crop up in the future. Plus, if I want some kind of a feature on my blog that isn’t available either with the program itself or with the many available plugins, Fahim says he’ll write it for me. Apparently, it’s much easier for him to do that with WordPress than with MovableType.

So yesterday, Fahim converted my database over and I started poking through themes, looking for something that was close enough to what I was looking for that I could modify it further to my exact specifications. 🙂 Maybe later I’ll do something more specific, but gotta start somewhere.

And now, we have the result. So the theme is not finished and there’s still some pretty major tweaking to be done, but it’s getting there, and at least it’s mostly presentable. All in all, much easier than tweaking a MovableType 4.0 template to a widgetable state. So there ya go! 🙂

And now I get to test how Blog works and report back to the master with any bugs I find. 😀

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

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