Vacation plans – email from Kim in Male, Maldives

Thanks for the info. The conditions there are pretty much what we figured. But, you have been experiencing earthquakes for how long, now??? We just got one series, and then the big wave. I’m sorry to hear Sri Lanka is now in the earthquake zone.

Yes, I have been delaying the finalizing of plans also. Mostly for reasons of lack of consistent travel info. We don’t know really how long it will take to travel anywhere. How to you put that into an itinerary? And then when Razook said he would make all the travel arrangements, well…..why do it myself? But, do you really put yourself in the hands of a man whose profession isn’t travel? But, I know that here in the Maldives, everyone is a travel agent!!! He thinks he can us more local type pricing. Anyway, our attitude about the trip was to travel as much like locally employed ex-pats as possible. In fact, Razook picked up on that, and was sure to tell us that we need to inform the people serving us that we work in the area. Much like we do here. Yep, I’m sure we pay the white guy tax, but it’s a resident white guy tax, not the tourist white guy tax. The difference is, they want you to keep coming back, to buy all their souvenirs from them when you leave the country, that sort of thing. And, you know what, it’s worked. We’ve bought a fair bunch of stuff from the guys who treat us well, and give us good prices.

As well, we’re treating the planning of this trip like it’s a neighbouring country where we don’t have to make reservations. Much like visiting North Saskatchewan. Who needs reservations when you’re staying in La Ronge or Lloydminster??? We’d like to travel on the cheap, eat on the cheap, and keep hotel prices as low as possible, without sleeping with cockroaches.

Oh, so to keep costs down on hotels, do you want to be a participant in the family room thing? Apparently triple rooms are available for 20 to 50% above the double price. This is cost effective, but maybe a little too cozy to do too often. You and Lou would both have a bed, as we would prefer Ike to sleep on a cot on the floor. He falls out of bed quite regularly.

Other than skipping Galle, and Yala, and staying in the ancient city and hill country area, do you have any other suggestions? You’d like to do Kandy last. Fine with us. We want to travel by train as much as possible. I’m thinking Tim and Anne will cancel their trip and we won’t have to worry about when to connect with them. Anyway, I don’t want to unduly schedule with them in mind. But I will let them know of the changes that we make, in case they come. So, we would like Fahim to relay the schedule to Razook and our travel desires. There is a wildlife area in the Polunnaruwa area that offers jeep safaris. This will be one of our biggest expenses. The cheap events will be the hiking in the hill country area. But, we were thinking of doing the Adams Peak by ourselves. Lou has no desire to start a hike at 2:30 in the morning just to see the sun rise in the hills. Or is that the world end hike?

I’ve planned Ike’s birthday party for Thursday 1 pm, the laundry is done, so maybe tomorrow I’ll put some time into the pricing of stuff.

I think I’ll go have a look at our itinerary tonight, make some adjustments, and apply some costs.

I’ll send it attached whenever have something for you to look at, anyway.

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

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