It started at 3:04:35 pm and continued until 3:08:52 pm and will be indelibly imprinted on our brains until the end of time. Or at least until the next giant lizard entertains us. 😛
Enter the lizard. At least five feet long. He (while we don’t actually know that he/she/it is a male, we’re calling it that for convenience purposes and nothing more, so please don’t take this gender identity as assured) sauntered up the road. Ambled, perhaps. He took occasional short detours, poked around, looked at this and that, and finally, twenty feet up the road, found his destination.
A drain.
Or… Something. He poked his head into the drain, then looked up, and then turned around and ambled back down the road towards us.
We suspect the reason he turned around was the kid further up the road yelling at him and throwing small stones at him. Before you think the kid was being cruel, you should know that one good wack with the lizards tail and an otherwise strong person would be on the ground, writhing in pain with broken bones.
No one wants a lizard, especially one of that size, entering their yard. They can cause destruction, especially if the lizard feels cornered.
Heck, we’ve had lizards smaller than this one live on our roof, enter our yard, and even invade our house. It’s no laughing matter.
*cough* Unless you’re the one holding the camera on the other side of a strong glass wall where the lizard won’t attack. *cough*
Back to the story.
So the lizard ambles back down the road towards us, then drops, audible belly-flop mode, into the drain of the house beside us. And disappears…
And then there was the bird, happily sitting on a power cable, taking the occasional dump, while we watched the lizard.
Yeah, I think it’s pretty cool, and the local wildlife still doesn’t bore me at over 5 years here. There’s always something happening, it seems…
Glad you enjoyed and thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Wow! what a fantastic experience to be able to be so close to such a being as this. That must have been incredible I envy you. thanks for posting it