Tag: Wildlife
Project #365 Day 23 A dark green bird…
There are times when a point-and-shoot camera totally sucks, like when the object you want to focus…
Project #365 Day 22 Where is that wascally squirrel?
This is my second time writing this post. Ugh. Not ugh because the post is so terrible….
Project #365 Day 21 Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar
This one is my choice of picture of the day. At least, so far today. I love…
Project #365 Day 20 Brown Butterfly and Big Ants on Red Flower
This brown butterfly is an occasional visitor. He flits, he flies, he takes a brief rest break….
Freaky Friday Spider!
Take a good look at this spider. Notice, first of all, that it really is a spider….
Project #365 Day 19 Snail
Slugs and snails seem to be everywhere here. They burrow into plant roots, they inhabit my compost…
Project #365 Day 16 Bird Silhouettes!
Early morning, I stumble onto the front balcony, barely awake. I pry my eyes open and look…
Project #365 Day 12 Mooooo!
I heard a high-pitched whiny "Moooooo!". This is not at all unusual here. But since I’m nothing…
Cheeky Squirrel!
I swear, every creature in the neighborhood loves these pink flowers. Including, it would seem, this very…
Project 365 Day 2 – Flowers!
There’s a tree just outside our front yard. It grows prolifically, so even though it was cut…
My first ladybug
…that I’ve seen in Sri Lanka. I’m sure there are many more. I’ve heard tales of them,…
The Fisher King! Well, no, not really…
It’s the kingfisher, as it’s known in Sri Lanka. More accurately, this bird is the Whte-Throated Kingfisher…
Spiders… Urgh!
We get a lot of spiders here. Some are small, some, not so much. Here’s one that…
Chernobyl Beetle!
Okay, so he’s probably never been to Chernobyl, or, really, out of this country, so I’m being…
Introducing… Pani Kurulla!
At least, I think it’s what’s locally known as. That’s what Fahim told me, but he’s not…
Atikukula or Greater Coucal
Here in Sri Lanka, Fahim tells me, no one likes having this bird in their yard because…
Are cows everywhere in Sri Lanka?
Um, yeah, pretty much. Not in Colombo itself so much, but where we are, in Nugegoda, which…
Polkichcha or Oriental Magpie Robin (Copsychus saularis)
I’ve decided to make Fridays a Flying Friday day. That means that I’m going to showcase some…
Cows snacking in the next door lot
Every now and then, I’ll hear a really really loud MOO! That usually means that either a…
Flying Fridays is for the birds! Are you in?
And flying insects and bats and… I dunno. I’m kinda thinking out loud here, but I’m considering…
Common Tailorbird doing a fashion shoot
Here he is, the Battichcha or Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius), getting ready to pose… And here he…
Birds of Sri Lanka
This isn’t about all birds in Sri Lanka, but rather, birds that I’ve seen and photographed. I’m…