Primal Stride – Five at Five Day Five

volunteer papaya tree growing in my garden, Sri LankaAlas, no chameleons or other creatures keeping me company today that I could see. Instead, I’m showing you a picture of the volunteer papaya tree growing in my garden.

Five at Five Primal Stride challenge –

  • I crawled out of bed at 6:30am.
  • I drank my electrolytes.
  • I did 19 laps in my garden.

I wasn’t sure how it was going to go today. My knee started feeling hot and tight yesterday evening, possibly swelling up a bit. But this morning, it was relatively okay, so I did the walking. Then my hips started acting up, so it’ll be interesting to see how that goes in the next day or so.

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

6 thoughts on “Primal Stride – Five at Five Day Five

  1. I’m amazed at your tenacity. You are owning this challenge in spite of all the aches and pains and wildlife! =)

    I’m glad you joined. You’ve breathed life and fun into a challenge that has been less than enjoyable for many. I’m grateful for all your efforts and encouragement.

    I hope Friday finds you feeling like you did something worthwhile to get 2010 started off on the right foot.
    .-= Seth Simonds´s last blog ..#356 Dominique =-.

  2. Dear Laurie,

    Firstly way to go in participating in the Health and Fitness Challenge.

    That sounds like a deeper journey within yourself.

    Secondly well done on all the laps your doing.

    And thirdly I wish you a very Happy New Year. 🙂

    Beautiful papaya tree photograph.
    .-= Ana Goncalves´s last blog ..Awaken =-.

  3. Seth, part of my response to you is becoming too long for a comment, so I started writing a blog post, but then that got so long it’s becoming a couple or something…. Agh! I talk too much!

    About the challenge… The thing is, you’ve done a lot towards fostering a community where understanding and support is normal. You certainly treated me that way when I said I’d be lucky to manage 300 or so feet. Take some credit yourself, you know? 🙂

    I’m planning on being in this challenge as long as I can, even though I foresee me wildly modifying things every week to suit my broken body. 🙂 So far, I’m seeing it as a great way for me to be in rehab or physiotherapy without having to leave my house. 🙂

  4. It’s not old enough yet to tell whether it’s a girl, boy, or hermaphrodite. We hope for hermaphrodite. 🙂 They all flower, but the boy trees can only pollinate, not grow fruit. Girl trees require boy trees somewhere close by. Hermaphrodite trees can self-pollinate. 🙂

    Thanks for the compliment. 🙂 You’re pretty good at encouragement, too, you know. 🙂

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