Alas, no chameleons or other creatures keeping me company today that I could see. Instead, I’m showing you a picture of the volunteer papaya tree growing in my garden.
Five at Five Primal Stride challenge –
- I crawled out of bed at 6:30am.
- I drank my electrolytes.
- I did 19 laps in my garden.
I wasn’t sure how it was going to go today. My knee started feeling hot and tight yesterday evening, possibly swelling up a bit. But this morning, it was relatively okay, so I did the walking. Then my hips started acting up, so it’ll be interesting to see how that goes in the next day or so.
I’m amazed at your tenacity. You are owning this challenge in spite of all the aches and pains and wildlife! =)
I’m glad you joined. You’ve breathed life and fun into a challenge that has been less than enjoyable for many. I’m grateful for all your efforts and encouragement.
I hope Friday finds you feeling like you did something worthwhile to get 2010 started off on the right foot.
.-= Seth Simonds´s last blog ..#356 Dominique =-.
Dear Laurie,
Firstly way to go in participating in the Health and Fitness Challenge.
That sounds like a deeper journey within yourself.
Secondly well done on all the laps your doing.
And thirdly I wish you a very Happy New Year. 🙂
Beautiful papaya tree photograph.
.-= Ana Goncalves´s last blog ..Awaken =-.
Seth, part of my response to you is becoming too long for a comment, so I started writing a blog post, but then that got so long it’s becoming a couple or something…. Agh! I talk too much!
About the challenge… The thing is, you’ve done a lot towards fostering a community where understanding and support is normal. You certainly treated me that way when I said I’d be lucky to manage 300 or so feet. Take some credit yourself, you know? 🙂
I’m planning on being in this challenge as long as I can, even though I foresee me wildly modifying things every week to suit my broken body. 🙂 So far, I’m seeing it as a great way for me to be in rehab or physiotherapy without having to leave my house. 🙂
Ana, thank you very much. You’re very sweet on all counts. 🙂
I like that tree! He’s cute (or is it a girl — how do you tell 8=)
Keep up the great work with the challenge. And you do a wonderful job in the encouragement department too, but I agree with you — Seth has put together a wonderful seed around which a community is growing.
.-= LoneWolf´s last blog ..Primal Stride Challenge — 5 at 5 (Day 2) =-.
It’s not old enough yet to tell whether it’s a girl, boy, or hermaphrodite. We hope for hermaphrodite. 🙂 They all flower, but the boy trees can only pollinate, not grow fruit. Girl trees require boy trees somewhere close by. Hermaphrodite trees can self-pollinate. 🙂
Thanks for the compliment. 🙂 You’re pretty good at encouragement, too, you know. 🙂