Primal Stride – Five at Five Day 3

So much for updating a week’s challenges in one blog entry. I changed my mind, and it’s become one entry a day, apparently. 🙂 Apparently, I’m too verbal for it to be just one sentence or something. *le sigh*

Success on both Primal Stride Five at Five goals. Out of bed at 6:31 (okay, so a minute late, but who’s counting?) and 17 laps done in my garden.

I also drank my salty electrolyte water before walking, so this is good. But I also got a bit lightheaded near the end of the walking. That lightheadedness is still with me after making breakfast. I hope it’s not going to be one of those kinds of days.

I also woke with a headache, the kind caused by neck tension, so did my neck exercises. That, as I think of it, is the most likely cause of the lightheadedness.

Ah well. Onwards and upwards, ho!

front garden, Sri LankaI’ve also included a photo of our front garden. It’s not a large garden, but it works for us. 🙂

From the left… First there’s the decorative palm, then a jasmine tree with small white flowers. The jasmine tree is small – I hacked most of it off a couple of times to keep the papaya mealy bug in check. Then we have a bush with yellow-polka dotted leaves, then another large decorative palm.

Then a bush which produces clumps of red flowers with my thebu (Costus speciosus) in the middle. Thebu is an edible leaf that tastes a bit like ginger, and we quite like it. 🙂 Then a potted plant with reddish purple leaves and a bush with spiky red flowers. Following that is my clump of lemongrass which I don’t water frequently enough.

Then, off by its lonesome on the far right is a volunteer papaya tree. Still very young, of course, being less than a foot tall. The papaya tree appeared about a month or so ago.

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

5 thoughts on “Primal Stride – Five at Five Day 3

  1. Nice picture! It’s funny that you and the lemon grass both have hydration problems. Now that you’re solving yours, maybe you’ll remember the poor little lemon grass 8=)

    It is a pretty garden. And keep up the walking and hydration. I won’t tell anyone about the 1 minute late thing 9=)
    .-= LoneWolf´s last blog ..Primal Stride Challenge — 5 at 5 (Day 2) =-.

  2. I like that you have papaya trees randomly showing up in your yard.

    *le jealous*

    .-= Seth Simonds´s last blog ..Primal Stride Challenge | Five At Five | Day Three =-.

  3. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

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