It may seem obvious, but there’s no guarantee that they’d use the same sound for the brand in both languages. It might not have happened that way.
And after that, I actually managed to sound out the next two words – which translate to red raw rice, but sound completely different. I actually got them – by myself. Okay, so there are the modifier components I didn’t get that alter the sounds of the letters a little, but that’s minor. And Fahim didn’t even help me (much). It was me! All me!!!!
I pronounced three words!!!! I’m no longer 100% illiterate! Only 99.999% illiterate!!!
Yeah, sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Whatever. I still read three words. It’s nice when something like that happens. Okay, granted, I haven’t been spending enough time working on my Sinhalese. I gotta do this consistently. That’s also the key to success. Consistency.
The other thing I just realized – the connection is made – is that I’m a highly visual person, not auditory. Auditory is one of my weaker senses, shall we say. Visual – extremely high. By doing it this way, I’m getting the visual involved a lot more, and that’s probably what’s helping.
Onwards and upwards, Ho!