Hummingbirds were busy today

So were a few other types of birds, but since I don’t know what they are, I can’t really mention them by name, now can I?

From the livingroom, where I sit most often with my laptop or notebook or whatever, I can see, through the large patio doors, my little plant pots, the possibly-lime tree, the curry leaf tree, and the jasmine tree.

Today, the hummingbirds and other birds were hopping around and frolicking in them, on them, and around them.

At one point, one little hummingbird started dancing on my plant pots. Alas, but no pictures – the bird was gone before I got it. And, because the birds are shy, they all flew away as soon as I opened the door, just as Fahim predicted.

Next door to our lot, and on the other side of the wall I can stare at, is an empty lot wiht many trees. Judging by the activity in there, day after day, I’m willing to bet that there’s where the birds all live.

Our backyard garden is just a playground away from home. 😀

Author: LMAshton
Howdy! I'm a beginner artist, hobbyist photographer, kitchen witch, wanderer by nature, and hermit introvert. This is my blog feed. You can find my fediverse posts at

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