Category: Life
_____ Years And No One’s Dead Yet
Thanks to an online conversation with a friend, I just realized I'd never explained why I say,…
Ten years and no one’s dead yet!
Ten years ago today… I landed in Sri Lanka. I met Fahim in person for the first…
Kurunegala Sunday Market
Waaaaaay back in July 2010, Fahim and I along with his sibs and their families and Fahim's…
Singapore and the Cost of Owning a Car
You've probably heard of the movie franchise The Fast and the Furious by now. They're only on…
And that would be Fahim
Yeah, this is using a new Google+ photo enhancement. 🙂
The Many Faces of Fahim
Right. So this GIF was created automatically using Google+'s magic. And I shared the photo publically on…
A new adventure in New Zealand
From New Zealand Fahim and I arrived in New Zealand last on the 28th of February. By…
Where in the world are Fahim and Laurie?
Image via Wikipedia Fahim and I have a new adventure happening. We’re flying off – theoretically, at…
Lettuce Be Happy
On the left is what a head of lettuce normally looks like here. 🙁 On the right…
Bang! Pop!! Crackle!!! Fire!!!!
Bang! Pop! Crackle crackle sizzle! Bang! Crackle crackle crackle! Those were the sounds that hit my ears…
Baby Jumbu!
Jumbu, or as Fahim insists, Jambu, is a fruit that grows here. This is a picture of…
Hot Off the Presses! Photos of Chameleon Sex!
I spot one of my garden chameleons on the jambu tree, where he normally perches. … Honestly, my first thought was “hmm, he’s getting lunch”, even though I didn’t think lizards ate other lizards. … Then, a second or two later – cuz, yes, they really were that fast – separated, although that took a couple of seconds, too.
Ice Cream Trishaw
Most of you probably have ice cream trucks or bicycles where you live. i’m thinking probably trucks. Here, it’s mostly trishaws. Same general principle…
Flowers! Flowers!! Flowers!!! Ixora!!!!
These flowers are ixora, which I learned just recently from Krishna Mohan in a comment he left…
Jasmine Blooming
A month and a half back, Fahim and I were returning home when we saw this truck. … Cuz I really don’t think we’re in an alternate universe right now, you know? As it turns out, we got our answer when the car we were in passed the truck.
Our Volunteer Papaya Is Flowering
A month and a half back, Fahim and I were returning home when we saw this truck. … Cuz I really don’t think we’re in an alternate universe right now, you know? As it turns out, we got our answer when the car we were in passed the truck.
Picking Flowers
A month and a half back, Fahim and I were returning home when we saw this truck. … Cuz I really don’t think we’re in an alternate universe right now, you know? As it turns out, we got our answer when the car we were in passed the truck.
Fahim is in his element…
A month and a half back, Fahim and I were returning home when we saw this truck. … Cuz I really don’t think we’re in an alternate universe right now, you know? As it turns out, we got our answer when the car we were in passed the truck.
Blowing Bubbles
I posted to my photo blog about blowing bubbles and taking photos. … I had a lot of fun with this, so I’ll likely to it again and experiment again. Oh, the excuses, the excuses just so I can play… 😀
A month and a half back, Fahim and I were returning home when we saw this truck. … Cuz I really don’t think we’re in an alternate universe right now, you know? As it turns out, we got our answer when the car we were in passed the truck.
I am, apparently, quite clueless.
Mosquitoes bite me – and they bite me by the dozens to hundreds while everyone else around me is left completely alone – and the white part swells up to between a half inch to an inch in diameter with the red bit sometimes 4-6 inches in diameter. … Well, you get the idea. 🙂 I don’t know for a fact that I’m allergic to bees and wasps and other of the more, ah, dangerous insects, but given my allergic reactions in general and with insects, it’s a pretty safe bet that getting stung by them probably wouldn’t be a good idea, you know what I mean? 🙂 So why, oh why, do I do some of the things I do? I was outside and saw a bunch of flying insects swarming in the area around our no-longer-in-use Dialog satellite dish, so naturally, I had to take a step closer to find out what was going on.
Silhouette Birdies
Stand out on the balcony in the morning for five minutes, and I’ll see at least four or five different types of birds that I can recognize and identify. Then there are all the other birds hanging out, flying around, chirping or otherwise singing their noises, but out of sight, and, well, I really have no idea how many there are, but it’s a LOT. These shots are just a few examples of what I see from my balcony on a typical morning.
Tightrope-Walking Power-Line-Playing Doves
These two doves – at least, I think it’s these two doves – have been hanging around our neighborhood a lot lately. I have to admit wondering if it’s mating season for them, but I’m too lazy to look it up just at the mo’. 🙂 Anyway, here they are, playing around. … Not just on the power line, but at the junction thingie on the pole where all the wires connect up and stuff.