I frequently see birds visiting the trees outside my kitchen window. They’re a welcome sight. I enjoy watching them flit around, grubbing for worms or other insects in the ground, or avoiding the hunting snake.
But then a not-as-usual creature came for a visit – a squirrel. Squirrels are usual in running up and down the power and telephone lines outside our upstairs sitting room, but they rarely visit me at my kitchen window.
And after the squirrel left, a bird came for a visit. Not sure what kind of bird this is yet – must research. Thanks to e4c5 (see comments), this bird has been positively identified as Kondaya, aka Konda Kurulla or Red Vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer).
Thanks so much, e4c5. Obviously I don’t have a clue about any of this.
It’s funny how this bird will build nests just about anywhere. 🙂
That’s a ‘Kondaya’ or Konda Kurulla so called because it’s head looks kind of like well, hairy.
The english name is Red Vented Bul-bul – it’s the save bird that built a nest in @gaveen’s lampshade and @yajit’s house plants.
I’d be glad if I’d be visited by a squirrel. You were quick to capture it with your camera.
I wouldn’t know what kind of a bird was that. The name is unfamiliar though.
Marlene’s last blog post..Over The Cotton Clouds
Marlene, I’ve been getting into the habit of bringing my camera with me whenever I cook – the kitchen’s downstairs whereas we spend most of our time up. And believe me, I miss more pictures than I get. Most of these creatures – birds, monkeys, lizards, whatever – move pretty fast!